
Don’t you feel like you’re always chasing something in your life? Whether it be the latest gadgets, romantic interests, professional opportunities, etc., we all can’t seem to stop moving and working towards something. Chasing goals and dreams is important too, but when does it all stop? When is enough actually enough?

When you’re happy, you’ll realize that there are some things in life not worth going for. For instance, trying to get into a high-risk profession may be worth a lot of money, but it’s going to have adverse effects on your health. Or you’d go after you something that you think is going to make you happy, only for you to realize in the end that it’s slowly taking away your sanity. You could end up rich beyond your wildest dreams, but in exchange, you’ll be cutting your life short.

As you go through life, you encounter countless problems and challenges. If you’re not careful, these challenges can quickly overpower you. However, when you’re happy, you’re more likely to be resilient. Where others are going to let problems consume them, happy people are more likely to let them slide. Essentially, happy people develop thick skin which allows them to respond to problems more positively than unhappy individuals.

Stay Strong and Thrive